Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We had a nice christmas. Complete with snow and all. One of the gifts Olivia got was OPERATION the game. She had asked santa for this game, and was excited to get it.... untill she found out that it made a horrible buzzing sound. She wanted nothing to do with it. She would cover her ears and cry and run away everytime the buzzer would buzz. We played it a few times during our vacation and she would never want to play. Well we finally got home and I asked her to play with me. I told her I would help her and so (out of boredom im sure) she agreed to play OPERATION with me. She told me first thing. "the charley horse is really really hard....DONT give me the charley horse card" " I dont want that charley horse!" She repeated herself several times untill i assured her I had given myself both charley horse cards. So we played. I held her hand when she went in to get the body part, and It did buzz. But guess what, The buzzing sound didn't send electrifing bolts of electricity through her whole body. It was just that, a buzzing SOUND. She was okay and we played the rest of the game and by the end She was picking up breadbaskets and brain freezes all by herself with no hand holding and no BUZZING! She got pretty good and by the end of the game she said "mommy I think I can do that charley horse now" Well she did try the charley horse and It did buzz, But she didn't care. Because you know what olivia was right the charley horse really is pretty hard.

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