Sunday, December 7, 2008

Here are a couple of other cutie pictures.

Art post! here is a train olivia did this week, and a little progress on a painting im working on.

We got some beautiful snow on Saturday. Olivia spent a lot of time playing in it. She had bought a sled this past summer at a yard sale....and we finally got to use it.... several times. I pulled her and Lincoln and a neighbor friend down the hill in our back yard several times. We also tested out the down the driveway across the road route as well. Lincoln couldn't keep his mittens on and had to call it a day early, because he had frozen hands (and was seriously upset about it). He just held his hands up to me (for a long time after we came in, and they were already warmed up) screaming at me. I sure wish We could talk to each other. Olivia is beginning to read with the independent readers in her class. She is doing so well. It is exciting to watch her learn. She reads to her lamb in bed at cute. Jonny is almost done with this quarter! He plots tomorrow!! I am so happy. But not half as happy as him I'm sure. Then we get a little break. I have to tell you, the closer it gets to our flight to Utah the more scared I am. If you know Lincoln, you know why.

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