Monday, April 27, 2009

Here is our little green house box at the beginning of its life. Updates to follow.

Lincoln is transitioning into a big boy bed...against my wishes. He just keeps climbing out of his crib and getting hurt so we had to turn his crib into a big boy bed, but he wont stay in it. He won't sleep. He is up all hours. I am tired. He thinks he is oh so very funny. Jonny went up the other night and he told lincoln "this is not a joke!" Lincoln's response is ...DADDY JOKE..hahahah DADDY JOKE..hahahah.

I guess he thinks it is a joke, and a funny one at that.


Rebecca said...

Love the box! Did you guys make it? We switched Nicholas to his toddler bed after Renae kept sliding under the pack and play mattress! We decided that she needed the crib more than Nicholas did, but it was a rough couple of days while Nicholas got used to the transition.

Carolyn said...

If the transition to a big boy bed doesn't go well soon, then I highly recommend a crib tent. We have one and it has been a huge life saver. Here's a link for one, but you can buy them at Babies R Us, as well.