Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We had a nice Thanksgiving Weekend around here. Our friends swung by on their way to visit family...we had a really fun time. We met at the Museum of Science and Industry downtown. My kids really liked it, and I really liked it as well. ..very cool museum. The lobby was decorated with amazing Christmas trees...so pretty and festive:) They stayed the night and we all left on Thanksgiving morning. We spent the weekend in Bloomington and got back on Sunday. I was so surprised how many houses in our neighborhood decorate with lights for Christmas. Lincoln was so so excited and yelling about each one. I went to the doctor on Monday and he seems to think I have a throat infection...I know I have some sort of thing that I just can't shake...hopefully the medication will help. I feel like I have not been well since I got pregnant....so tired of feeling like this.
Less than 4 months to go until she gets here....I'm trying not to think about it so it goes faster:)

1 comment:

emily said...

I'm sorry you've been so sick! If I was there, I might make you some kind of lard tonic. I'm sure it would heal you right away :)
I try not to think of babies either. Mostly because I have no idea where I'm going to put this thing when it gets here.
I'm glad you had fun with friends. I wish I could hang out with you all too! I miss you!