Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh sweet Lincoln. Last night was his preschool Christmas program. Jonny had to work late so I took the kids in the pouring rain (thankfully it wasn't cold) down to the preschool for a night of sweet festivities. We started out in the gym and the little people all paraded in and stood in a line in front of us. There were a lot of people there and I would be overwhelmed...and I'm not 4. For the first song Lincoln wouldn't turn around, he was nervous.Liv got his attention so he could see us in the crowd....  then turned around so we could see him singing for the rest of the program. I'm so glad he did because it was the sweetest thing ever! It made me cry. I love that little boy so much, he is so smart and sweet. After the "singing program" we met in the basement for cookies and punch and a gift from Santa (books the parents had sent in earlier in the week)
Liv asked "mom, did you wrap this"? Lincoln informed her quite serious "These gifts are from the North Pole!" They ate way to many cookies...played around....then we came home and went to bed.
Sorry these pictures are so horrible...
                                                               Linc avoiding the crowd



maryirene said...

he is so cute. way to go lincoln!

we had such a blast at your house. i'm thinking we'll need to do that again next spring maybe :)

emily said...

Yay Lincoln! How fun. I miss your kids!