Wednesday, December 7, 2011

We fixed Christmas. It was sad to not have a pretty glowing Christmas tree. So Jonny and I took the kids to get a new tree. The boy scouts have a little tree lot set up in the next town over, so we headed over there to get a nice big tree in the 20 dollar range. The kids loved it and now we have a pretty glowing tree again. Louie cat also loves the new tree and spends a lot of time sleeping under it.

Last night was also Sinterklaas ...a Dutch/Belgian holiday we have celebrated with the kids for a long time. They put out a wooden shoe by the fireplace and in the morning it is filled with goodies and such.

I have also been trying to plan a bunch of things in preparation for our big car trip out you have any games or activities or things you use on long car trips that I should know about??

1 comment:

emily said...

oh I'm so glad you got a tree. I thought that was the saddest story.
My kids are the worst in the car, so I have no suggestions other than movies, and lots of snacks. That's pretty much how we make it through.
But sometimes if I'm on the ball, I buy little things at the dollar store (or once I scored a ton of unopened mcd's happy meal toys at a yard sale for pennies) and let them open something every few hours. Good luck on your trip-- safe driving!