Tuesday, June 4, 2013

the first day

 Today was the first official day of summer vacation. Oh man, I need a game plan.
Ian had a major meltdown at the grocery store. Im used to major meltdowns with him,
but when we are in public places its especially hard. Its hard to carry him and nora out of a
grocery store ...especially when hes throwing punches.
 We overcame it, and spent some fun time at one of the millions of parks around here. It was a picture perfect day weather wise, 73 and sunny.
 Ian is also getting pretty good at his balance bike. We ride it a lot, and nora generally loves to go stroller-ing  next to him. He will ride down the hill in the back yard balancing wonderfully with no
feet. He may be our earliest bike rider yet.
 A new little boy moved in across the street. A family with just one little boy. They said they moved so they could be around other kids.  Turns out he was in lincoln's class at school, so they were instant friends and now I have another kid running around in my back yard....ah, whats one more :) If only they had a girl in 5th grade.

(notice nora in the far background, she sadly has no fear of being in the middle of nowhere, with no one.)

1 comment:

Maddie H said...

you are such a good mom.
I wish we could move in next door, or even down the street and provide some girl-friends.
I'm jealous of the green soft grass and many parks and not-miserable temps.
I love nora hanging out in the middle of nowhere
oh. not maddie--emily